St. Joseph's Parish, 96 Huron Street, Stratford,Ontario welcomes visitors, new parishioners and members of our Avon Thames Catholic Family of Parishes to come, to pray, to worship, renew your spirit and get to know each other.
Music Ministry
Friends in Faith Choir - Director: Elizabeth Fontaine & Andria Brickman
Combining both praise and worship-style music with traditonal arrangements
2nd & 4th Sundays at 8:30am Mass
Rehearsals are Monday before at 7pm in choir loft
Praise & Worship Choir - Director: Donna Campbell
Focusing predominantly on contemporary praise and worship music
1st & 3rd Sundays at 11:30am Mass
Rehearsals Monday before at 7pm in choir loft
St Cecilia Choir - Director: Amanda Vander Ploeg
An all-women's choir more traditional in its musical arrangments with Soprano and Alto harmony
4th Sunday of the month at 11:30am Mass
Rehearsals Wednesday before at 7pm in choir loft
New members are always welcome!
Watch this page for information about St. Joseph's Parish!
Mailing Address:
St. Joseph's Parish
c/o 96 Huron Street,
Stratford, ON
N5A 5S6