Avon Thames Catholic Family of Parishes Update from Pastoral Council - October 2024
Pastoral Council is beginning a new initiative of adding an update to the bulletin following our meetings to help keep all parishioners informed. Our first meeting with the current Pastoral Council was held on Oct. 29. Father David welcomed three new members: Steve DeLuca, Mitch Crowder, and Anne McGinnes-Hayes. Returning members are: Jojo Lising, Steve Minten, Karen Tigani, Fr. Don Pumputis, Amanda Vander Ploeg, Erika Eaglesham, and Laurie Maloney Devlin. Our executives this year are: Chair – Jojo Lising, Vice-Chair – Steve Minten, Secretary – Amanda Vander Ploeg. We thank our outgoing Chair, Karen Tigani, as well as our Past Chair and long-serving council member, Dan Parr, for their work.
We reviewed the Pastoral Council Foundational Document and our Pastoral Plan. This Plan is where our work is centred, following our mission of Growing together as disciples of Christ, through prayer, we listen to and answer: God’s call to personal holiness, God’s call to evangelize, God’s call to justice and compassion, God’s call to the Body of Christ, God’s call to ongoing faith formation.
Father David spoke of the giftedness of the laity and his gratitude to how this is evidenced in the staff and parishioners who are stepping up to lead during this time while his mother is sick.
The rest of our meetings this year will be Nov. 26, Jan. 28, Mar. 25, and May 27.
Grace to each of you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Avon Thames Catholic Family of Parishes Pastoral Plan